Self-compassion for anxiety and depression: Getting support from others but also supporting yourself
Having anxiety and depression symptoms can bring up feelings of hopelessness, feelings of being a burden on others, and constant restlessness.
Anxiety Therapy in Charlotte, NC - Leaning into the Discomfort
When thinking about anxiety, you may also think about avoidance. Anxiety impacts how we function it can tell us what to avoid maintaining a sense of safety.
Understanding trauma, its impacts, and moving past trauma through therapy
Trauma is a response to the impact that an event or situation has on an individual. The response to the trauma can be emotional and can impact how we function in life.
What Does the Term “Clinical Depression” Mean?
From time to time, it’s normal to feel sad. We all go through certain periods or events in our lives that cause us to feel less than our best. Unfortunately, feeling low can sometimes come with the experience of being human.
Anxiety Treatment in Charlotte, NC: Understanding symptoms, causes, and treatments:
Finding the Right Therapist for Depression Treatment in Charlotte, NC
The integration of faith and therapy: Exploring the relationship between Christianity and mental health
Behaviors In Response To Conflict That Might Be Harming Your Relationship And What You Can Do About It
What matters is the approaches that are taken in the relationship when these matters come up. Could some behaviors that you and your partner are engaging in be harming your relationship more than it is helping?
Online Christian Marriage Counseling: 4 Tips to Develop a Stronger Foundation in Your Marriage as Christians
What may Online Christian Counseling look like for you as a Christian?
Do you or your partner have depression?
Managing Depression: 5 Coping Skills to help manage symptoms
f you are struggling with depression, know that you are not alone. At least about one in 10 adults in the United States suffer from depression.
The Costs of Anxiety on Your Self-Care and What You Can Do
How is anxiety presenting itself to you in your own life? Are you working harder in your profession to avoid conflicts?
5 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Relationship As You Transition: Therapy in Charlotte, NC
When it comes to planning a wedding and getting ready to make the shift into married life a lot of different emotions may come up. You are probably feeling excited, overwhelmed, and nervous. Sometimes you may also feel frustrated at times as it takes a lot to plan for and get a wedding together.
Overcoming Anxiety in the New Year: Thoughts from a Charlotte, NC Therapist
Couples Therapy: How to Strengthen Your Relationship in the New Year
What to Expect with EMDR Therapy in Charlotte, NC
What is Family Therapy and How Does it Help?
What Is Emotional Infidelity?
When most people hear the word infidelity - they will automatically think of physical cheating. Infidelity is most commonly thought of when there was an affair with someone who is not your partner or spouse.
Why Should I See A Therapist As A Christian?
As Christians, it can be hard to admit that you need support for your mental well being, but there is a strength that comes from it. Here are just a few reasons why you should seek counseling as a Christian.