Why Should I See A Therapist As A Christian?
At the center of our lives is faith. It is often the foundation for everything we do in life. It is the very core of who we are and grounds us in the toughest times. It seems as if no matter what we are going through, when we have our faith, it sees us through.
But sometimes, we become stuck. Despite our best intentions, it seems as if even our faith can't seem to ground us at times. This can be really frustrating for many Christians. Worsening matters is the stigma that surrounds mental health in the Christian faith.
While relying on God and trusting in him is important, sometimes we need earthly support, as well. But as Christians, sometimes the message of, "Only rely on Him," can be detrimental to our mental health. And it can get in the way of finding the strength to seek counseling.
As Christians, it can be hard to admit that you need support for your mental well being, but there is a strength that comes from it. Here are just a few reasons why you should seek counseling as a Christian.
It Can Actually Strengthen Your Relationship With Him
There are so many ways you can work on your personal relationship with God. Worship music, services, small groups, and prayer are just a few of the most common ways. However, it may be surprising to hear that counseling can help strengthen your relationship with Him as well.
Sometimes, we don't understand what is going on in our lives or in the world. Which causes us to feel stuck, overwhelmed, and frustrated when we don't have all the answers. When this happens, it can cause us to feel overly anxious or depressed. If this is happening, counseling might be the next best line of defense against the things that are bothering us.
When you work with a Christian counselor, it can help you see things in a different perspective. Instead of trying to sort through everything on your own, your counselor can help you see things in a different way but still within the light of His word.
Mental Health Is Not Taboo
We can't stress this enough - but acknowledging your own mental health struggles - and learning to talk about them, is not a taboo subject. Many Christians believe that it is a sign of weakness to talk about topics such as anxiety or depression. Or that it is a betrayal of him and all of the promises that he makes to us. Both of these things could not be further from the truth.
Yes, you are a Christian and your faith is the center of who you are. But you are also human, with very real human struggles. Just because you are going through something does not negate your relationship with him or your faith. In fact, admitting that you do need extra support is a virtue that is to be admired. Nobody in life is perfect and that is one thing, through Jesus, that we are taught.
It Teaches You Important Skills To Keep You Resilient
Resiliency is a topic that is present throughout the bible. And it's a skill that will always be useful here on Earth. It can be said that staying resilient with our faith, despite all of life's hardships, is one of the greatest signs of a strong faith.
It is also a sign of being mentally strong. You can find resiliency through coping skills to help you deal with anxiety or depression. When you have these skills at your disposal, you are letting the world and all of its negativity and the Enemy know that you won't back down or give up.
If you are a Christian who is struggling with their mental health, know that you are not alone and there is nothing to be ashamed of. We can help you overcome anything that life throws at you in a way that honors your faith. Connect with us for a free consultation.