Family Anxiety During Holidays? 3 Tips to Help
We are in the season of spending more time with family. Although it might be a happy time, it can be normal to feel anxiety when thinking about the time that you are planning to spend with family members.
5 Daily Rituals To Help With Depression and Anxiety
When we feel anxious or depressed we will try to use whatever we can to feel better sometimes. The very thing that we use to cope and feel better could feed more into our symptoms over time however. Cutting back on substances and replacing that with healthier options can be a hard change but can make a big difference.
Attachment and Anxiety- Tips to Working Towards Secure Attachment
There are a variety of insecure attachment styles that individuals live with. Examples of attachment styles include anxious-preoccupied, fearful avoidant, secure, and dismissive- avoidant.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks- Defining Differences In Symptoms And What To Ask Your Therapist:
Anxiety and panic attacks share similarities in symptoms that can make it difficult to understand differences between one or the other. They shouldn't be terms that are used interchangeably though as there are marked differences and are different in clinical diagnosis from one another.
Journaling Prompts To Help Explore More Into “Whys” Of Anxiety
If you have ever been to therapy you may have heard from a therapist at some point that journaling can be a tool to utilize to explore and process experiences.
Understanding Anxiety And Decoding Its Messages
Do you struggle with rapid heart rates, a stream of intrusive anxious thoughts, and/or difficulties regulating your emotions?
Self-Care Beyond The Mundane For Depression and Anxiety
Have you been taking vacations and time off of work to then dread coming back? You may be wondering why you even try taking vacations if it's just going to leave you feeling stressed or more stressed when coming back.
Getting Started With Mindfulness for Beginners
There could be different things that come to mind when thinking about what mindfulness is and means. The truth is that mindfulness is going to look different for many people.
Work-life Balance and Mental Health-Examining Anxiety Surrounding Professional Life.
It is believed that working individuals in America spend less time on their own personal care outside of work when compared to some other countries. Americans are below the average on the amount of time they spend doing leisure activities.
New Year Anxiety? 5 Tips to Help You Get Through
You had just gotten through the month of December filled with getting gifts and spending time with family. Now you are hearing people discuss goals and plans for the new year.
Anxiety and Stress: 5 Ways to Identify What You Are Dealing With and What Can Help
The word anxiety is used interchangeably with stress in our lives. Anxiety has become a buzz word in society and around the globe. But there are differences between what would be considered anxiety and what would be considered stress.
Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression Treatment Post-Pandemic
When you think about everything that the world has gone through in the last three years it makes sense why levels of trauma, anxiety, and depression are increasing.
Anxiety Therapy in Charlotte, NC - Leaning into the Discomfort
When thinking about anxiety, you may also think about avoidance. Anxiety impacts how we function it can tell us what to avoid maintaining a sense of safety.
The Costs of Anxiety on Your Self-Care and What You Can Do
How is anxiety presenting itself to you in your own life? Are you working harder in your profession to avoid conflicts?
Tense? Tossing & Turning? How to Self-soothe and Get Some Sleep
Many people struggle with sleeplessness. There are probably more people in the world wrestling with sleep disruption, and its fallout, than we even realize. Unfortunately, despite being such a prevalent issue in society, overcoming sleep-related challenges isn't often discussed.
Is Shame Making Your Anxiety Worse
Regrets about life happen. We all have them and, sometimes, these regrets just continue to play like tapes in our minds. Is your self-image is negatively affected?
When Things Are Never Good Enough: The Link Between Anxiety & Perfectionism
We all have expectations of how things are meant to be. This is the driving force behind change and personal growth. It's what keeps us motivated to keep striving on, no matter the circumstances.
Sick of Sitting at Home? How to Start Facing Your Social Anxiety
Having social anxiety is more than just being shy. Social anxiety is something that can leave you feeling as if you never want to leave the house.
Anxious Thoughts? Tips to Rein in Your Ruminating Mind
Are you someone who deals with anxiety on a regular basis? Do you often feel as if nothing you do helps ease your worries? If you answered yes to either of those, you are not alone in this struggle.
How is General Anxiety Disorder Diagnosed?
Everyone will experience anxiety at some point in their life, and people can experience anxiety for multiple reasons. Anxiety is the fear of the unknown.