Is Shame Making Your Anxiety Worse

Feeling shame is, unfortunately, a natural part of life. Shame can be felt for a variety of reasons. Regret about the way we handled a certain situation may induce shame.  All the things we said or did - or those we didn't-  can result in shame too.

At some point, the feelings of shame can become mentally and emotionally toxic. It has a way of eating away at you, making you feel guilty, unworthy, and miserable.

Also, there are times when we feel ashamed with no discernible cause. Or perhaps we simply convince ourselves that our shame is justifiable. It's times like this when shame is the most toxic.

For people who suffer from an anxiety disorder, shame accompanies an existing uphill battle. There may be panic attacks. Feeling overwhelmed at every turn. Knowing that something needs to get done, but not knowing where to start.

While we all feel shame, it is something that people with anxiety often deal with more often. In fact, shame can actually worsen and prolong symptoms of anxiety.

Here's how:

Shame Can Make You Feel As If Everyone Is Watching

When you are coping with anxiety, it sometimes feels as if you are constantly being judged. It might seem harsh to call it paranoia, but in ways, you feel that way. You might sense that if someone hears your laugh they'll think it's awful. Or you may believe that though you looked attractive your body is being picked apart as you move through a room. Any number of things that make you feel self-conscious and uneasy about being out in public can make you feel ashamed.

Even though there is no direct cause to believe anybody is watching you that closely, you can't help but feel as though there is something wrong with you and how you present yourself to the world. When this happens, you may be tempted to just not engage people at all and hide from the world as much as you can.

Have you had past experiences where you felt shame over something that was said or done? Unfortunately, our minds and bodies have a way of holding on to these feelings and applying that shame to any situation afterward.

Experiencing this type of shame, even when it's unwarranted, can make your anxiety worse.

Do You Try To Ignore Your Feelings?

Do you often find that you are trying to push away feelings of shame? Are you under the impression that if you do this, you won't feel it?

It's tempting to avoid our problems or feelings. Often it's the first line of defense we have. We believe that if we ignore it, it's not actually there, right?

Yet, ignoring anything that negatively affects us  (shame, guilt, sadness, anxiousness, etc.) actually tends to worsen the situation. While we are actively trying to push these thoughts from the forefront, of our minds they are still there.

In the back of our minds, unseen and unheard, shaming thoughts impact us until they spill out unproductively or are managed with healthy coping skills and trustworthy support.

Seek Help When Shame Makes You Overthink Everything

Regrets about life happen. We all have them and, sometimes, these regrets just continue to play like tapes in our minds. Is your self-image is negatively affected? Does the path toward feeling feel and fully yourself seem unclear? Unaddressed, shame can linger as you suffer. If you feel held back in your relationships and blocked from your goals, it's time to let shame go. Ruminating and cycling through every unhelpful thought just wears down your body and mind.

Break the barriers that are caused by shame-induced anxiety. Seek guidance and a new way forward.

If you are ready to move away from the shame of your past and work through anxiety with a professional, I'm here. Anxiety therapy can help. Please reach out to my office to begin.


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