5 Signs You’re Using Religion as an Avoidance Tactic
Our faith is at the core of who we are.
It determines how we act, who we surround ourselves with, and our overall happiness levels. It is what we turn to when life gets a little bit too much to handle. When things feel as if they are crashing down around us. Faith is our solace in times of suffering.
Religion can be a wonderful thing. It helps us feel connected and empowered by something greater than we are. It's the stepping stone we need to just to get through the day.
But, for some people, religion is used as a means to hide deeper issues we are facing. Issues of mental health. If this sounds like something you may do, keep reading for five signs that you are using religion as an avoidance tactic.
1. You Never Talk About What You're Going Through
Many Christians and members of other faiths tend to live by an unspoken rule: don't talk about what you are going through. Why? A few reasons may leap to mind:
"It's not Christ-like."
"It sounds too much like complaining."
"There are other people who have it worse."
There is a misconception that just because you have faith, you shouldn't have reason to complain. If we lived in a perfect world and we weren't human, that might be true. But we are human. We are flawed. And this is no surprise to God. Our faith doesn't make our mental health problems less real.
2. You've Tried Talking About Your Issues Before
Have you tried talking about your feelings in the past, only to walk away without answers? Maybe you went to a trusted pastor or elder in the church, only to be let down. Or perhaps you were left with feelings of judgment instead of solutions.
Even though our faith can ground us, it can make us feel isolated too. If you now justify avoiding discussion about your issues due to religious counseling, it may be your negative experiences simply left a bad taste in your mouth.
3. If I Just Trust...
Your Creator is considered the ultimate miracle maker. The designer and healer of all living things. It's hard not to think that if you just trust Him enough that your problems will all get better. To be sure, in many situations, it does. However, our mental health is often layered and complex, requiring faith as well as human helpers.
Also, are you using religion as an avoidance tactic because you fear what it means if you rely on someone other than God for your mental wellbeing? Be kind to yourself. It's important to remember that community is one of God's gifts. There is nothing wrong with needing support!
4. Throwing Yourself Into Other's Problems
Service to the community and your fellow humans is one of our greatest acts. Yet, how often do you throw yourself into helping solve others' issues, as a way to avoid your own?
Acts of service can bring great joy and is tremendously rewarding. It teaches us things about ourselves that we may not have understood before. Serving others and giving support shouldn't be how you avoid anything. The saying, "you can't pour from an empty cup," is absolutely true.
5. It Prevents You From Getting Help At All
Faith is at the core of who we are, but mental health is vital as well. There are many reasons why someone may use religion as an avoidance tactic for receiving help.
As Christian counselors, we know how important your faith is to you. We want to help you bridge the gap between feeling fulfilled in your spirituality and meeting your mental health needs.
If you are ready to begin this journey to a better understanding of yourself, let's talk. To find the positives in your negative situations, please read more about Christian Counseling and reach out today, we are here to support you.