Date Night Ideas Shared by a Therapist in Charlotte, NC:
If you have been in a relationship for a long time it may be that it has been a while since you and your relationship partners have been able to commit to going on a date together. It’s possible that having different responsibilities like having kids or busy work schedules could be getting in the way of that being a reality. Although you may find it difficult to find time it’s important that you dedicate time in your relationship to dating to keep building upon positive experiences. This article will discuss ways in which you can continue to build on your relationship with different creative date night ideas.
Cooking New Meals Together
Sometimes it’s not financially wise to go out and have a night out of the house. If that is the case for you to build on new experiences with your partner you could try doing a meal kit together with a meal that you both may like or haven’t tried before. Cooking together is spending quality time with one another.
Board Game Date Night
Another potentially lower-cost date night might include engaging in some fun board gaming. There are also card games that are created out there that are tailored to couples. It is worth looking into if gaming is something that you both would be interested in.
Spend Some Quality Time Outdoors
Exercise is something that is a part of a healthy lifestyle so why not spend it with your partner? Go to parks or on a hike together as a cost-effective way to build on your relationship together. If you live in a more urban area, then maybe find some local trails or if possible, you can travel to another area in the state that has better hiking opportunities.
Create Some Art Together
Have work to do around the house together? Maybe painting? You can make the most of it by working together to get it done. You can have music playing while you engage in getting it done to help set the mood and make fond memories about doing the activity together. Or you can both create some art together by painting on canvas together. There are options in Charlotte NC to do paint and sips as a couple if you are okay with spending some money.
Overlook at CLT Airport
Looking for a fun free activity outside of the house? CLT airport has an overlook that is free to access and watch planes come in and out. In warmer months they also have food trucks that go over there so you can enjoy some restaurant-quality food. Another option is bringing your own food to have a picnic date night. This is a great activity that isn’t talked about much around Charlotte.
Visit a Museum Together
There are many different museum options around the area from the Mint Museum to the NASCAR. Museums are a great way to explore and learn something new together while also creating memories with each other. Museums are also better than something like a movie because you are talking and interacting more with each other.
Berry Picking
Charlotte and surrounding areas have many opportunities to go outside and engage in berry picking. You can do some research into the farms in the area that allow individuals to pick during the right seasons.
Begin Couples Counseling in Charlotte, NC
Are you interested in getting more ideas? Here at Inward Counseling we see couples and help you gain more ideas to build on positive experiences with your partner. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to support you from our Charlotte, NC-based practice. You can start your therapy journey by following these steps:
Reach out to us using our contact form
Meet with a caring therapist
Support keeping your relationship
flame alive!
Other Services Offered With Inward Counseling
Our team is happy to offer a variety of services in addition to couples counseling. We know that you may face concerns with more than one mental health concern, which is why we are happy to also offer therapy for anxiety, family, Christian counseling, and EMDR. We also offer trauma therapy and depression therapy. Visit our blog or about page to learn more today.