5 Creative Ways To Increase Connection In Your Relationship
We are living in a busy world. With the world we live in you might be finding it more difficult to balance multiple different areas of your life. As a result maybe you feel like your relationship has stagnated and you feel more like roommates than in a relationship. If you recognize this and want to make changes to your life and relationships that is great! This blog will help you come up with some examples of how you can start to build on connection when it comes to having a busy schedule and life. If you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to reach out to us to see if couples therapy could be an option for you.
1.) Pockets of Appreciation
What do you do at the end of the work day? Do you check in to see how your partner is doing? We can get exhausted at the end of the day and want to watch TV or scroll through social media. There are moments that scrolling could be replaced with a chance to connect with your partner. Creating an opportunity to check in with your partner at the end of the day could start making a difference in your life and relationships. An example of this can look like making an intentional effort everyday to share one positive experience of the day, one negative experience of the day, and an appreciation for your partner. Creating that as a routine could improve your connection. Finding “pockets” of time is essential when there are busy schedules.
2.) Leaving Notes
Another way to increase connection is through leaving appreciation notes. Maybe you and your partner work different schedules and don't see one another at the end of the work day often. Thankfully with technology we are able to stay connected with people more than ever. How often have you shared an appreciation or complimented your partner through a text? How would you feel if you received that everyday at least once? Chances are you would probably feel more appreciated. Another method to this is leaving positive post-it notes around areas that your partner uses to get ready for the day to show that you care.
3.) Plan a Date Together
Reading this line of “planning a date” might bring up different emotions. Maybe you feel like financially you don't know how that might work or maybe you are tired during your off time. There are no rules to how to go on a date however and each couple will differ in what that means to them. A date doesn't have to involve spending money, it could be staying at home with one another and doing a game night. One of the best ways to improve intimacy and connection is to dedicate some time to the relationship even if it's just one hour of time together every week or every other week.
4.) Acknowledgment of Partners Emotions
How much recently have you asked your partner what they were feeling? Showing that you care by asking curious questions about this can increase positive connection. Take accountability if there was hurt caused or created. Sometimes we can get defensive when we believe another person is upset with us. Instead of getting defensive, think of your partner's point of view. Respond with love and kindness to their experience. You can acknowledge their experience while also honoring your own and be respectful.
5.) Do Work Together
Maybe at the end of the work week you have tasks that couldn't have been completed. Instead of doing grocery shopping, or household chores completely by yourself, see if your partner can be with you to do them. If you can't dedicate a specific date night with your partner you might be able to connect while doing work that you both already need to get done.