Is It Okay to Be Christian and Participate in EMDR
For many Christians, the topic of mental health is considered taboo. It can feel shameful to think of yourself as weak. Perhaps you feel that needing or wanting extra support for your mental well-being somehow cancels out your faith.
As Christians, we always want to be able to say, "Just let God take control and He will take care of me." Undoubtedly, Go has the ability to provide for us in the moments we need it the most directly. Or, He waits, letting us see why we didn't get what we asked for when we did.
So, there are just some things that require a different route toward peace. Sometimes, God provides a path or process in which we have to take control of a situation ourselves. Instead of waiting for distress to resolve miraculously, reaching out for a support system and innovative therapy can start your healing.
Mental Health Concerns Are On A Rise
Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are becoming a growing concern worldwide, especially in the United States. Since the start of the pandemic, there is a rising number of anxiety and depression-related diagnoses amongst children, teens, and adults.
Additionally, the aftermath of trauma has led to even more mental health concerns.
PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is most commonly talked about by those who were in a war or who went through sexual abuse. However, trauma can happen to anyone, at any age, and really, for any reason.
Some examples of trauma include:
Car accidents
Domestic/sexual abuse
Witnessing a crime
Child abuse
Mental abuse
Not everyone will respond to trauma in the same way. Meaning that what may be traumatizing for one person may not phase someone else. Still, for those who can't just move on from a traumatic event, it can have debilitating consequences on their life.
Someone who has experienced trauma may have any number of the following symptoms:
Panic attacks
...and so much more.
Unfortunately, many people will put off receiving support for trauma-related issues and symptoms, especially those in the Christian faith. Yet, you don't have to go on suffering.
What Helps Heal From Trauma?
One of the greatest methods for helping people heal from trauma/PTSD is called EMDR. EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a therapeutic method that is growing in popularity. It was originally founded to help treat trauma and PTSD but is now being used for a variety of different mental health issues too.
EMDR, at first glance, can sound like a scientific experiment but it actually is not.
In short, EMDR uses the eyes and specific spots in the brain to help safely reprocess traumatic memories for clients.
Is It Okay For Christians To Participate In EMDR?
It absolutely is. EMDR is not a scientific experiment, although it is rooted in science. Christians sometimes try to avoid anything that seems too science-oriented or too rooted in biology. However, EMDR is more about mental stimulation and soothing the reactivity of our brains.
One thing that we know can help ease the anxiety regarding EMDR participation is that your own brain is the focus. The same brain that was created by God. Mental health should not be sacrificed just because you are a Christian. There is comfort in knowing that the same brain He created can be relieved and powerfully transformed for the better.
All told, EMDR is simply a different form of therapy. It may sound very unconventional, even new age-y. Yet, it is just as effective, if not more so, than traditional talk therapies or other treatment modalities.
We know how hard it is to ask for support as a Christian. However, we can assure you that He would want to see you get the help you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation for Christian counseling.