Feeling Unheard & Unhappy? How EFT Can Help

It is very disheartening when you feel unheard. It's even worse when you are unhappy with the relationships in your life. You may feel discontentment over personal friendships or romantic relationships. At times, it may seem easier to just cut ties altogether. When you feel unsatisfied with your relationship, it can often lead to more issues. From an increase in arguments, shutting each other out, and feeling frustrated, something has to give. Living in a place of discontentment can put added strain on any relationship.

However, not all hope is lost when it comes to strengthening the connections we have with other people.

Our Attachments Determine How Happy We Are

There are many ways that we can work on finding greater happiness in our relationships. One of the best ways to improve bonds in our lives is through Emotionally Focused Therapy(EFT.) EFT is a therapeutic approach that places an emphasis on the patterns and cycles in our relationships. It focuses on our attachment to other people and the way it influences our own lives. EFT helps people form stronger relationships and improve communication skills.

It is common to become stuck when there are negative cycles in a relationship. These negative cycles can range from hurtful words during an argument, withdrawing, or not understanding where the other person is coming from.

If you have become stuck in negative cycles that impact your joy and not feeling heard, EFT may be right for you. Here are a few ways it can help you.

Identifying Negative Cycles

Before any improvements can be made, the first step is to identify negative cycles within your relationships. This helps identify how conflict is caused through negative interactions. EFT also helps determine the negative emotions that stem from past attachments.

By identifying negative patterns, people participating in EFT can determine how their own insecurities or fears may damage their relationships. So when you are feeling unhappy in your relationship, you may be unintentionally letting the past affect your present situations.

EFT can help you see how unwanted behaviors, such as shutting down or withdrawing, are contributing to the unhappiness in your life. These behaviors, more often than not, are essentially protestations against the disconnect in your bond.

Reframing Your Communication

Feeling unheard in a relationship boils down to a lack of effective communication in your relationship. EFT helps to reframe these issues by teaching you how to share your emotions with each other in healthier ways. Often, we think we are expressing our needs in a way that the other person understands. However, this isn't always the case. Everyone communicates differently and EFT can help you truly realize that. Learning how to effectively communicate your needs in a way your partner or friend can understand goes a long way. It helps to reduce conflict as well as strengthen your emotional bond.

Improvement Of Self

Often in life, it is hard to clearly see how we are holding ourselves back. EFT can help clients understand how their own emotions and reactions are leaving them unsatisfied with their life. EFT will teach how you can be more accessible and open to others as well as how to be more responsive. By learning those things, your relationships will improve. Learning how to effectively communicate should help you express your needs and wants to those in your life. In return, you will finally feel heard when you are able to relay your emotions to others.


Emotions hold the key to so much in our lives. Whether we realize it or not, how we are feeling can dramatically impact all areas of our life. From our relationships to communication skills, and personal happiness — understanding the role of our emotions is crucial. Working with a therapist who is trained in EFT can help you down a path of understanding that will leave you feeling happier and more fulfilled in your relationship. Contact the office today to begin this journey.

Click here for more information on couples counseling.


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